“Beach Time” is a comedy series about a hardware engineer who quits the most awful job he ever had, drives to the beach, and windsurfs to shake off the bad juju. But he can’t. Bad memories nag him. Then he gets caught in a raging thunderstorm that hurls him off his board, wrecks his gear, and washes him onto a beach. It’s not the beach he left.
He wanders until he gets to a motel where a shabby hatchback T-bones a beat-up RV. A tightly wound woman hops out of car and yells at the laid-back RV owner, a windsurfing instructor. But not just any instructor. He’s the Bagger Vance of windsurfing.
Lenny gets swept up in their silly drama and ends up helping the windsurfing instructor, all the while bemoaning his dead end engineering career.
Get some funny beach action. Pretend you’re laying on warm sand. Enjoy “Beach Time.”
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